On December 3rd &4th,2019, IMdR has organized the Risk Conference 2019 (Les Entretiens du Risque 2019) in the Carré des Sciences in Paris on the following theme :”take into account the ethical dimension in order to better master the risks”
Special thanks have to be addressed to Laurence Baillif for having chaired the Programme Committee of the Risk Conference as well as to the other members of the Programme Committee with special thought to Jean-François Raffoux. The programme was of high quality and thanks are addressed to all the participants during the two days.
A major part of the present IMdR Info deals with the detailed synthesis of this event.
Besides during the second 2019 semester, IMdR has also organized thematic working days at the forefront of R&D on topics related to risks mastering.
On September 17th, the working group MCS-IRT(Mastering complex systems by transdisciplinary rupture innovations) has organized a high level and fascinating working day at Paris Dauphine university on the theme “think Complexity: scientific revolution or change of paradigm?” A set complexity must take into account the set overall in its environment and the inteactions between components .The complexity is nowadays a true science. In order to master the risks of our complex socio-technical systems, IMdR ambition is to adopt a global and systemic approach in addition to the classical analysis.
On October 8th, IRSN Fontenay aux Roses generously welcomed the working day “Preconceived ideas in crisis management, interactive cases studies” organized by the working group Crisis management. This working day, it was for the first time, in video conference by the Polytechnical Institute of Dakar .The news permanently demonstrate that crisis management is a perpetual challenge. Thanks to IRSN for having provided most remarkable working conditions and so contributed decisively to the success of the working day.
On November 5th, the working group Cybersecurity of industrial installations and IIoT(connected industrial objects) organized at ESTP a day on the theme “cybersecurity and dependability in industrial systems: cohabitation, articulation or antagonism”. This topic is now major in design and operation of industrial systems; and IMdR, historical expert in dependability and safety,is a major actor to enter into it.
The first 2020 half-year is well provided, we prepare working days on defence in depth, accident comprehension and standards.
On June 19th, the 4th day inter-working groups will take place with the following theme “anticipation notions in systemic approach to apprehend complexity”. Jean-François Vautier from CEA will be the organizer and I cheerfully thank him. This working day has become a yearly June month for IMdR; it has given birth to the “TION”collection: “configuration” in 2017,”interaction” in 2018 and “intervention” in 2019. It has to be noticed that the white book”Interaction” of the 2018 working day is now freely available by remote loading on the” Techniques de l’Ingénieur” website.
The working day Young Engineers Young Searchers will take place on April 16th, ECE being partner. The 2019 working day organized in three sessions has allowed to attribute for each session a price giving free entrance to the LambdaMu22 sympsium. This will also be the case for the 2020 working day.
The Lambda Mu symposium will be obviously the big meeting place of 2020 year for IMdR. I remind that it will take place from October 13th to 15th at the Carré des Docks of Le Havre, with the traditional tutorials on October 12th. The selected topic is “Risks at the heart of transitions”. As for each symposium, the symposium will be open to all the historical themes which made the IMdR history as well as Lambda Mu
Philippe LePoac
IMdR chairman