Probabilistic networks applied to risk mastering and dependability GTR EN Methodologic  Research

Management, Methods, Standard  Tools


Methods and tools​ 


Management, Methods, Standard  Tools



Place and stakes

The  GTR origin is lost among the origins of reliability associations. This group has been first AFCIQ group, then ISdF before being a group of IMdR-SdF and IMDR.


It includes faithfull members (about 15). Meetings (less than monthly) gather around 10 to 12 attendees. The members are mainly reliability experts issued from Industry (active and retired).

The GTR main line is to identify methods, practises well kown in dependability and to describe them , sharing experience and practises. Thus the following topics are presently :acceptability criteria ALARP, GAME, etc. ; risk matrices use ; dependability requirements ; reliability in mechanics.


Old texts read-throug ( ISdF and IMdR projects, books and founding dependability papers, a.s.o,..)whose updating, development and reset  could be worthwhile. 

Back to the dependability fundamentals with a critical and constructive look upon the evolution of “ classical and proofed” methods depending on the evolution of application fields in industry.


The GTR emblematic production is constituted by methods-sheets on line in the IMdR website (English and French)





In the mechanical reliability area, the GTR M2OS proposes the mechanical reliability  course tought by  Jean-Claude LIGERON during many years. To reach the course  click here.


In the same frame of mind, the GTR contributes in IMdR name to the on line  encyclopedia  Wikipedia (papers « FMECA » and « Stress-Strain »), setting links with the above mentioned sheets in some existing papers.


Jointly with the  GTR «Structures Reliability», the group increases the « mechanical reliability » profile . Participation to the book “10 cases in Mechanical reliability ». 

Most of the GTR members want to transmit the knowledge from senior to junior. Some junior have appreciated their participation to the GTR as a unique training complement 

Finally the  GTR brings its expertise by animating the tutorial « fundamentals and basic methods of dependability » at the Lambda-Mu symposia.


The GTR :

  • Continues the sheets  production  (such a development should lead to a closer collaboration with other  GTR to treat this way subjects of their own field of exercise, ie.Software or « human factor »),
  • Increase its  efforts to enrich Wikipedia,
  • Promove working days alike “mechanical reliability “ working day: jointly with other GTR, a tutorial to review basis on topics somewhat forgot or polluted followed by research and development  news .


The GTR appoints correspondants :

  • A. Delage with the GTR «  structures reliability » for mechanical reliability,
  • P. Leclercq with the GTR upon programmed systems and softwares,
  • Y. Mortureux with the GTR « FH » et « Organization »,
  • J. Lafont and M. Testylier with the GTR dealing with ILS, maintainability , life duration.

People who want to join the GTR, please contact the animator.

