Methodologic  Research GTR EN Maintenance and Development of FIDES Reliability Methodology

Feedback from technical experience


Methods and tools


Feedback from technical experience


Emmanuel REMY (EDF)

Nicolas DECHY (IRSN)


Feedback from technical experience is a critical and strategic activity of risk management and dependability. It is shown through participants experience that this activity is both R&D and fully operating, being close to field developers and designers .REX is essential for risk analysis or dependability: risk manager, designer and maintenance specialist, industrial assets manager will look for examples, teachings, qualitative and quantitative data, reference elements to precise uncertainties…

Although limited to risk management, experience feedback remains a vast topic.In fact,data sources and types are potentially numerous: they include incidents or accidents data, failure modes data, degradation mechanisms of equipment, data related to maintenance quality, data on deep causes human or organizational, operation and performance data, inspection or monitoring data, economic data, natural hazards data…It is based upon multiple devices such as field enquiring, technologic watch, interviews with field operators, on collection of companies specialists  or knowledge brought by experience feedback analysis….

The WG works aim is to show the strategic character of technical experience feedback, to exchange and to spray methods of collection, validation and analysis of experience feedback    linked with reliability  organization and management of experience feedback ; the stakes concern security, dependability as well as industrial performance (availability, life duration, maintenance optimization, asset management…).


The GTR works are as follow :

  • Experience feedback (collection, validation, treatment, analysis, interpretation of data, performances and technical facts),
  • Organization and management of  experience feedback  process,
  • Event and accident analysis, weak signals,
  • Material failure and degradation analysis,
  • Preventive and corrective maintenance,efficiency of  maintenance operations,
  • Material "health monitoring",maintenances conditionnal and previsionnal,  diagnosys and prognosys,
  • Statistical methods, data analysis, text mining,  big data,
  • Reliabilistic , frequential and bayesian methods,
  • Ageing modelling , life duration estimate and asset management,
  • Capitalization and knowledge management.



Many conferences/workshops have been organized by the GTR in IMdR  λμ symposia and several thematic working days, namely in June 9th, 2016 and May 16th, 2017 (cf. page internet upon past activities and demonstrations). They dealt with” probability estimate of rare event in Risk management and dependability » and « from methods to applications of automatic language treatment (TAL) in experience feedback ».
Several R&D projects have been initiated by the GTR.For instance the project IMdR P12-1, finalized end 2013, has gathered six subscribers (CEA, DCNS, EDF, GDF Suez, IRSN and RATP), it dealt with "Detection and et pertinency of a weak signal in experience feedback treatment”.
The project IMdR P15-2, finished mid-2017, has been financed and followed by 9 subscribers (CNES, DGA, EDF, ENGIE, INERIS, IRSN, NEXTER, RATP and Thalès), the thematics was "Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS)". The project IMdR P17-4 "Big data in reliability" has been recently launched by eleven subscribers (Alstom, Dassault Aviation, DGA, EDF, INRS, IRSN, GRT gaz, NEXTER, RATP, SNCF and Thalès).

Presently, the following topics have been dealt wih : standardization in experience feedback , probabilist methods practical use, methods of automatic treatment of natural language  , big data technics for reliability .
The group also builds a programme of possible actions by listing needs and topics which could be developped in a close future.

The GTR includes members of various industrial fields (such as : EDF, ENGIE, IMdR, RATP, SNCF, Thalès), public bodies (INERIS, INRS, IRSN), academic representatives (INSA Centre Val de Loire, UTC) and consultants .

