Decision Help for Risk Management GTR EN Mastering of complex systems by transdisciplinary rupture innovations

Functionnal Security


Risks Mastering and Dependability​


Functionnal Security


Context :

Industrial Risks management requires a good management of security related systems.These systems aim at ensure and/or maintain an equipment, system or plant  security state in regard of undesired or feared events.
Functionnal security, ruled by standard  CEI 61511 and sectorial derived, aims at guarantee a correct operation of systems by introduction of good practices all along the life cycle.

Among the CEI 61508 sectorial derived one can find namely CEI 61513 for nuclear,  CEI 62061for engine,  EN 50126/50128/50129 for railway,  ISO 26262 for car industry…
The  GTR vocation is to imply actors of the whole of sectors concerned by functionnal security..


Objectives and means :

The WG first objective is to exchange above functionnal security application in the various concerned sectors, as well as share and promote good practice. The WG wants to be a place of thought on methods and tools of functionnal security evolution, in order to answer to present and future stakes of risk mastering.
To comply with these objectives, the WG adopts the following means :

  • produce states of the art, synthesis notes , recommandations and publish them ;​
  • organize working days , workshops or other events about functionnal security ;​
  • collaborateer with Commission Standards and Rules  of IMdR and Commissions AFNOR/CEI dealing with this topic;
  • propose and implement multipartners projects;

The working methods include namely :

  • meetings from  2 to 4 a year) ;​
  • remote exchanges using on line collaborative tools ;
  • participation to working days , seminars workshops and conferences.


Aimed audience :

All actors of functionnal security in the concerned sector including namely security responsibles, maintaineers,automaticians, operators, consultants, buyers, standard specialists ,academics,students….

