Organization and risk mastering GTR EN  Crisis  Management

Human Factors in conception and feedback


Man role, Human and organizational factors


Human Factors in conception and feedback  


Christian BLATTER (IMdR / SELF)



Human factors are more and more taken into account in industrial safety (from system design to maintenance), being through risk and accident analysis methods or REX tools, or socio-technic  system design approaches . Neverthe less, several questions related to systemic and global aspects of HF implementation remain unsettled : 

  • How to take HF into account in system certification ?
  • How to model man in sociotechnic systems, what part define in  safety system?
  • Which HF approach implement, from design to REX of equipment, procedures,… ?
  • How to plan a HF  experience feedback :concepts, recipients, functions, design methods,… ?
  • How to capitalize and share knowledge on safety practices ?
  • How to check corrective actions efficiency when primary cause is not found?
  • How to take into account organizational aspect in feedback experience and corrective actions follow up?



This Working Group aims at develop a knowledge and collective competence on the most innovative  contribution in HF and safety 



From questions hereabove the WG organizes debates on scientific studies presentation and practical performance between group members.or  external personnalities .

It  organizes or co-organizes working days whose previous are :


  •  IMdR-SELF* working day 2011 : «lessons from actual risks to potential    risk prevention. »
  •  IMdR-SELF working day 2009 : «  resilience, an answer face to unexpected and variability of systems, organizations and people? »


* Société d'Ergonomie et de Langue Française

  He also develops research projects, the latest has been P10-5

 Méthodes d’analyse textuelle pour l’interprétation des REX. Besides he publishes papers. 

The  group meets at regular frequency of 5 meetings a year(one meeting every two months).
It cooperates with ICSI (Institut pour une Culture de Sécurité Industrielle )The SELF(Society of Ergonomy of French language), the GDR CNRS Psycho ergonomy which became ARPEGE(namely the WG Risk management in dynamic systems driving)..



The WG offers for free a lot of  GTR documents/communications related to Human Factors.


  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 18 : cliquer ici
  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 17 : cliquer ici
  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 16 : cliquer ici
  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 15 : cliquer ici
  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 14 : cliquer ici
  • Pour accéder aux communications concernant le congrès Lambda Mu 13 : cliquer ici


