Human Factors in conception and feedback  GTR EN Approach and methods to prevent malicious acts

 Crisis  Management


Man role, Human and organizational factors


Crisis Management




Ludovic PINGANAUD (Ministère de l’Intérieur)



The public risk acceptance evolution, the uncertainty predominance and the recent events have put emphasis, for the companies world, on the need of organizing and structuring an answer to crisis, being of slow kinetics (floodings for instance) or quick(cyber attack, industrial accident, a.s.o.).
Up to now, the crisis management thematics was hardly present within IMdR and few sharing of experience instances exist on this topic.

The group creates an opportunity of sharing experience and exchange on crisis management  and organizations resilience capacity. A state of the art will be established on this topic.An association with ARMIR (Association Rayonnement Mesure Industrie Recherche) allows to take advantage of expertise in integration of project/design concepts to develop solutions fitted to companies needs.


They are as follows :

  • Sharing upon :
    • Knowledge in matter of
      •      Operation of teams during crisis situation (namely academics and research bodies),
      •      Training tools (simulators ,use of virtual reality, put in situation)
      •      Tools of crisis management (log for instance) ;
    • Concrete experiences of crisis situation solving, operating modes applied in every sector and mainly the hazardous ones  ;
    • Different visions of crisis built in various sectors ;
  • Elaborate a state of  the art ;
  • Propose methods and / or tools (of operation, training, a.s.o.).

Proposed working method

  • Organization of meetings (quarterly, in Paris area) ;
  • Constitution of a state of the art : collect experience of searchers, companies, experts, authorities, consultants in order to build a knowledge corpus  ;
  • Elaboration of a programme of work : identify the questions raised presently and their order of priority ;
  • Definition of treatment modes of these questions  ;
  • Determiner if a study under IMdR project form is feasible, elaborate a request for proposal .
  • Organize an event to share experiences on this topic
  • Identify works/solutions to develop for innovative SMC or research laboratories.

Public at stake

Responsible of company crisis management  (SMI-SMC and big groups), of public services, actors and experts of authorities (ASN, DRIE, IRSN, INERIS), searchers in human and social sciences, associations representative (ANCLI or equivalent),a.s.o.



For those who wish to participate to this GTR , please contact to register at  Sylvie GARANDEL


